

jamstack generator

automagically generate and publish "jsomorphic" webapps.

starting the ritual

cloning a page:

to start your page, simply clone one of the example directories:


this is a minimal example for purists that want to start from (almost) scratch

git clone https://github.com/magic-examples/minimal ./yourAwesomeDomain.tldcd ./yourAwesomeDomain.tldnpm installnpm run dev// goto http://localhost:2323


a small example showing off some client side interactions.

git clone https://github.com/magic-examples/example ./yourAwesomeDomain.tldcd ./yourAwesomeDomain.tldnpm installnpm run dev// goto http://localhost:2323


using @magic-themes/project, a good starter template for any project or company representation page.

git clone https://github.com/magic-examples/project ./yourAwesomeDomain.tldcd ./yourAwesomeDomain.tldnpm installnpm run dev// goto http://localhost:2323