automagically generate and publish "jsomorphic" webapps.
why magic?
@magic is tiny
usually, all the javascript in your homepage will be 30-60 kb big (after unpacking), 10-30 kb get transmitted from the server to the client.
this complete page you are reading with all sub pages loads about 40kb of unpacked, 15kb of gzipped javascript.
@magic works without javascript
most of the functionality works without javascript, some buttons and realtime user interactions obviously won't, but @magic always provides a non-javascript fallback that gets enhanced by js if possible.
@magic generates static pages
this makes free hosting (using github or gitlab pages) possible. and it's easy to get started.
free hosting
@magic publishes to githubgitlab and any other git-pages enabled hosting service.
serverless / faas
automagically generate serverless lambdas, derived from the @magic-modules you use in your pages.
this makes contact forms, visitor statistics, user authentication and authorization, chat, and all other server side services possible.